Thursday, October 31, 2013

Hey bloggers!

Reporting back for blogging (Boy, am I funny?). So I just came back from my internship and I realized something quite interesting. The mission of my internship is to observe and too perfect my English speaking ability, correct? Well since my English is technically already perfect, I sometimes find myself, unconsciously observing and trying to perfect my french. You are probably asking yourselves "why would I do that?". Well, the reason is why that, because the YMCA is within a french community and most of the teens that walk through the door are French. During the night, I was speaking to this girl who you could clearly see was very angry. And when I approached her and I asked her "Hey, whats wrong?" and then she was telling me about about how she was getting suspended for standing up for another student who was getting bullied. And than I told her "That's great, that's really good! But why are you getting suspended?". Which is when she told me that she had threatened the bully. After she told me that, she turned around and muttered something that was incomprehensible. I asked her to repeat herself, when she turned around and told me in french " La semaine prochaine, je vais la defoncée!" which i did not understand at first, but i took the initiative to go home and search up the the word. The internet said that it meant to *destroy and\or *to smash in, which i find hilarious. So now I have a fond addiction of constantly paying attention to conversations among french civilization and search for french expressions! (Yes i'm weird... I know)

Until next time bloggers!  

Hey There Bloggers!

Hey bloggers!

How have you guys been doing? Sorry I didn't post last week, I'll make up for it this week. So basically in this blog, I will be explain various information about the internship. My internship is at the YMCA in Point-St-Charles. My host Melissa is by far the best boss ever. Shes such a delightful person, shes funny and despite her age, very wise and has a wide range of knowledge. She is also respectful to whomever walks through the doors and Melissa among the other staff members always help those in need. To continue, Melissa gave me a couple of options. For example; helping out in the Teen-Zone (helping teenagers with their homework , activities) and being a part of the coaching squad. At first I was very excited to be a "Coach" but I soon regretted it. I'm a very competitive person, I like to win! But seeing those kids play unmotivatingly just disappointed me thus the fact, some of them did not exploit their talent. So I decided to work in the Teen-Zone. There I actually interacted with teens and helped them with their homework.

Until next time bloggers!

Monday, September 9, 2013

Well, hello. As you may already know, my name is Jason-Alexander Burke (Yes, Jason-Alexander like the actor). Im hoping to really improve (Perfect) my english. By doing so, I will be participating in an internship that is provided from my trilingualism and cultures program, which I am really looking forward to! I've already done an intership with the Alouettes, and it was a great experience! I think im a very funny person (but others think I tell bad jokes) and I hope to lighten up your days to come! Have a great one!